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http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Modern-Lo-Fi-Hip-Hop-Drums-Vol-1-V2-small.jpgPostmodern Lo Fi Hip Hop Drums vol 1 Sample library by Softrave (181 drumloops)

Postmodern Lo Fi Hip Hop Drums vol 1 Sample library by Softrave (181 drumloops)

Here you can purchase 15 Sample Libraries for 15 Eu. Offer is limited to 15 persons. List of Sample Libraries included Postmodern Lo Fi Hip Hop Drums vol 1 Sample…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/glockenspielvst.jpgGlockenspiel VSTI metallofone instrument plugin emulation

Glockenspiel VSTI metallofone instrument plugin emulation

Glockenspiel VSTI 1.0   Glockenspiel VSTi is based on samples of real  percussion instrument made of steel called Glockenspiel (Metallofone).  It has 8 layers of velocity, so you can feel…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/flangerchorus.pngVintage Flanger Chorus Stereo VST guitar effect

Vintage Flanger Chorus Stereo VST guitar effect

Vintage Flanger Chorus Stereo is inspired by classical analog guitar pedal Electric Mistress by Electroharmonix used by David Gilmour, Todd Rundgren, Alex Lifeson, Andy Summers of The Police, J Mascis…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hang3web.jpgHANG VSTI 3.0 Hang pan art drum emulation virtual instrument plugin

HANG VSTI 3.0 Hang pan art drum emulation virtual instrument plugin

HANG VSTI 3.0   Hang VSTI 3.0  is based on samples of real  percussion instrument made of steel called Hang.  It has 8 layers of velocity so you can feel…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/han_2.0.jpgHANG VST 2.0 Hang panart instrument emulation plugin

HANG VST 2.0 Hang panart instrument emulation plugin

HANG VST 2.0 Hang VSTI 2.0  is based on samples of real  percussion instrument made of steel called HangDrum made by PanArt Switzerland.  It has 4 layers of velocity so…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/abnalogvibe.pngVintage Vibes Stereo VST Guitar Effect

Vintage Vibes Stereo VST Guitar Effect

Vintage Vibes Stereo VST Vintage Vibes Stereo is inspired by analog guitar pedals used by Jimi Hendrix and Soundgarden. Vibes effect is combination of Vibrato and Chorus effects. This combination…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/xylophoneweb.jpgXylophone VSTi wooden acoustic instrument realistic emulation

Xylophone VSTi wooden acoustic instrument realistic emulation

Xylophone VSTi is based on samples of real percussion instrument made of wood called Xylophone . It has 8 layers of velocity so you can feel some natural sound of…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/industrial-noise.jpgIndustrial Noise VSTI Instrument plugin

Industrial Noise VSTI Instrument plugin

Industrial Noise VSTI 1.0 Industrial Noise is a VST format plug-in for Windows, which adds the sound of different mechanisms, machines and technical devices to your recordings. The purpose of the plug-in is to add sounds typically…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/atk3.pngANALOG TECHNO KICK PRO V 3.0 kick synth plugin instrument

ANALOG TECHNO KICK PRO V 3.0 kick synth plugin instrument

ANALOG TECHNO KICK PRO V 3.0 Softrave presents Analog Techno Kick VSTi PRO 3.0 empowered with HarmonicsBoosting psychoacoustic technology from Syncersoft that enrich sound with low frequencies and make each…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/tuba-web.pnghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/tuba-web.pnghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/tuba-web.pngTuba VSTi virtual brass instrument with 7 levels of midi velocity

Tuba VSTi virtual brass instrument with 7 levels of midi velocity

  Tuba VSTi is based on samples of real brass instrument made of metal called, well Tuba . It has 7 layers of velocity so you can feel some natural…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ambient-nature-noise.jpgAMBIENT NATURE NOISE VSTI Effect Instrument plugin

AMBIENT NATURE NOISE VSTI Effect Instrument plugin

AMBIENT NATURE NOISE VSTI 1.0 Ambient Nature Noise is a VST format plug-in for Windows, which adds the sound and atmosphere of alive and lifeless nature to your recordings. The purpose of the plug-in is to add…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/lelpsr.pngLEL PSR VSTI virtual drum machine instrument from Soviet era

LEL PSR VSTI virtual drum machine instrument from Soviet era

Softrave presents LEL PSR Drummachine VSTi This virtual instrument has 12 drum sounds from vintage USSR produced drum machine Lel PSR More info about this instrument here http://www.ruskeys.net/eng/base/lellpsr.php 7 EU…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vintageanalogringpitchshift.jpgVintage Analog Ring Shift Modulator VST 1.1 guitar effect

Vintage Analog Ring Shift Modulator VST 1.1 guitar effect

Vintage Analog Ring Shift Modulator Vst is providing mix of pitch shifting with ring modulation. You can create unusual vibrato effects, distortions or bell like sounds and also weird strange…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/atk2.pnghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/atk2.pnghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/atk2.pngANALOG TECHNO KICK VSTI V 2.0 virtual kick instrument plugin

ANALOG TECHNO KICK VSTI V 2.0 virtual kick instrument plugin

ANALOG TECHNO KICK V 2.0     (This plugin now has more powerful SUPERKICK brother  Analog techno Kick Pro. Check it on this page Softrave presents Analog Techno Kick VSTi…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vschorus.jpgVintage Space Chorus VST 1.0 guitar effect

Vintage Space Chorus VST 1.0 guitar effect

Vintage Space Chorus   Vintage Space Chorus is intended to create unusual stereo chorus space effects good for rock, electronica, disco and experimental styles of music With this plug you…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/analog-noise-thumb.jpgAnalog Noise VST effect plugin

Analog Noise VST effect plugin

Analog Noise VST 1.0 Analog Noise is a VST format plug-in for Windows, which adds the sound and atmosphere of analog recordings to your tracks and mixes. The purpose of the plug-in is to add sounds typically…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/boombox.jpgBOOMBOX VST vintage cassete desk emulation turbo bass effect

BOOMBOX VST vintage cassete desk emulation turbo bass effect

BOOMBOX VST 1.1     Syncersoft & Softrave presents BOOMBOX VST 1.1 Boombox is a plugin that aims to bring back the sound of the street culture of the 1980s,…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vintagedoublephaser.jpgVintage Double Phaser VST 1.1 guitar effect

Vintage Double Phaser VST 1.1 guitar effect

Vintage Double Phaser VST 1.1 Vintage Double Phaser Vst is providing classical phase shift effect and some extended possibilities. You can create phase shift effect on left and right channel…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/tape-noise.jpgTAPE NOISE VST Effects plugin

TAPE NOISE VST Effects plugin

TAPE NOISE VST 1.0   Tape Noise is a VST format plug-in for Windows, which adds the sound and atmosphere of analog recordings to your tracks and mixes. The purpose of the plug-in is to add real…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/guitarboostersm.jpgGUITAR BOOSTER VST 1.0 guitar studio effect

GUITAR BOOSTER VST 1.0 guitar studio effect

GUITAR BOOSTER VST 1.0 Syncersoft & Softrave presents GuitarBooster VST 1.0 Guitar  Booster is revolutionary plugin that enriches sound with creation of new harmonics using algorithm based on  unique new…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/urban-noise.jpgURBAN NOISE VSTI Instrument plugin

URBAN NOISE VSTI Instrument plugin

URBAN NOISE VSTI 1.0 Urban Noise is a VST format plug-in for Windows, which mix sounds of the urban atmosphere with your recordings.. The purpose of the plug-in is to add sounds typically inherent to the…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/tapefilter.pngTAPEFILTER VST 1.0 studio Effect tape Emulation plugin

TAPEFILTER VST 1.0 studio Effect tape Emulation plugin

TAPEFILTER VST 1.0 Syncersoft & Softrave presents TapeFilter VST 1.11 Tape filter  is revolutionary plugin that enriches sound with creation of new harmonics using unique new psychoacoustic algorithm: crossmodulation of…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/etnik-586x319.pngEthnic instruments plugins pack offer Hang 3.0, Steeldrum, Kalimba, Glockenspiel save 50 %

Ethnic instruments plugins pack offer Hang 3.0, Steeldrum, Kalimba, Glockenspiel save 50 %

Purchase Etnic instruments plugins pack offer and save 50 % on 4 instruments Ethnic instruments plugin pack contains Hang 3.0 plugin 20 EU Kalimba VSTi 11 Eu Glockenspiel VSTi 11…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hangsamplelibrary-cover.jpgHang Drum PanArt Sample Library Vol. 1

Hang Drum PanArt Sample Library Vol. 1

Hang sample library is a collection of 285 royalty free percussion and melodic loops of Hang percussion instrument Price of library is 30 EU. 286 loops in tempos: 70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,145,150,155 and…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/vargan-fin-jpg.jpgJew Harp Vibes Sample Library

Jew Harp Vibes Sample Library

Jew Harp Vibes Sample Library contains 56 loops at 104 and 120 bpm, dry and with fx. 136 Mb in total Jew harp is worldwide known etnic shamanic tribal instrument…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gamegirldrums1.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gamegirldrums1.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gamegirldrums1.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gamegirldrums1.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gamegirldrums1.jpgGAMEGIRL VSTI pack 1.0 gameboy LSDJ plugin emulation instrument

GAMEGIRL VSTI pack 1.0 gameboy LSDJ plugin emulation instrument

GAMEGIRL VSTI pack 1.0  8 bit chiptune revolution! GAMEGIRL  VSTI 1.0 pack is based on samples from LSDJ program for making chiptune music at Nintendo Gameboy with help of some special …

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vafilter.jpgVintage Analog Filter VST 1.1 Guitar Effect

Vintage Analog Filter VST 1.1 Guitar Effect

Vintage Analog Filter VST 1.1 Vintage Analog Filter Vst is constructed to emulate analog instability of electric circuits of vintage filters. You can control the level of analog detune with…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/marina-opera-samples-complete.jpgOpera Themes Marina vocal sample library vol 2

Opera Themes Marina vocal sample library vol 2

Opera Themes Marina vocal sample library vol 2 consists of 12 famous opera themes, only female vocal part, clean voice without any “cathedral” or “church” effects, just pure power. Tracklist…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/opera-female-vocal-marina218.pnghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/opera-female-vocal-marina218.pngOpera Classic Female Vocal by Marina sample library

Opera Classic Female Vocal by Marina sample library

Classic opera style female vocal sample library featuring voice of Marina Diva. This sample library have have 25 min of unedited vocal recording of some classical songs of Bach, Pucchini…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/wasp-synth-library-web.jpgWasp synth sample library

Wasp synth sample library

Wasp synth sample library contains sounds of unigue synth produced by English company Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) More info about this synth you can get here http://www.vintagesynth.com/misc/edp_wasp.php This library represents…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/volca-modular-sample-library.jpgKORG Volca Modular  sample library – modular buchla style west coast experimental sound

KORG Volca Modular sample library – modular buchla style west coast experimental sound

KORG Volca Modular sample library contains royalty free sounds of unique modular analog synth with buchla style west coast experimental sound. This library represents 1 hours of recording mono 16…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/alice-synth-library.jpgAlice 1387 Analog Vintage Soviet Synth Sample Library

Alice 1387 Analog Vintage Soviet Synth Sample Library

Alice 1387 synth sample library is a collection of sounds & melodies sequences performed at vintage analog synthesizer Alice 1387 made in USSR. More info about this synthesizer you can…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/octave-cat-sample-livrary.pngOCTAVE CAT SRM Vintage Analog Synth Sample Library

OCTAVE CAT SRM Vintage Analog Synth Sample Library

OCTAVE CAT SRM  sample library contains sounds of unique analog vintage synth  More info about this synth you can get here http://www.vintagesynth.com/misc/octavecat.php This library represents 1,5  hours of recording 500…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/polivoks-design.pngPolivoks Vintage analog synth sample library vol 1

Polivoks Vintage analog synth sample library vol 1

This sample library contains single sounds , sequences, unedited improvisations and fx recorded in 48 Khz 24 bit on Polivoks with midi Size of library is 646 Mb Video demo…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/female-vocal-chillout-sample-library-vol-1-cover.pngFemale Vocal Sample Library – Chillout, Lounge, Downtempo 4 packs – 70, 80, 90, 100 BPM

Female Vocal Sample Library – Chillout, Lounge, Downtempo 4 packs – 70, 80, 90, 100 BPM

Collection of the most most amazing, peaceful and relaxing, love inspiring female vocal samples you may ever hear. These ambient samples drip like sweet musical nectar! From Chillout, Downtempo, to…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/6pedals.png6 Vintage Guitar Effects VST Vintage Analog Filter VST, Vintage Double Phaser VST, Vintage Analog Ring Shift Modulator VST, Vintage Space Chorus VST, Vintage Vibe Stereo, Vintage Flanger Chorus Stereo

6 Vintage Guitar Effects VST Vintage Analog Filter VST, Vintage Double Phaser VST, Vintage Analog Ring Shift Modulator VST, Vintage Space Chorus VST, Vintage Vibe Stereo, Vintage Flanger Chorus Stereo

Vintage Effects Bundle 1.0   Get all the vintage effects plugins for only $40 in one bundle that includes: Vintage Analog Filter VST Vintage Double Phaser VST Vintage Analog Ring…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Waldorf-Pulse-Lead-NI-Kontakt-Sample-Library-by-Softrave-final-small-1.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Waldorf-Pulse-Lead-NI-Kontakt-Sample-Library-by-Softrave-final-small-1.jpgWaldorf Pulse Leads and Chords Kontakt Sample Library

Waldorf Pulse Leads and Chords Kontakt Sample Library

This library is made of sounds of mythical analog synthesizer made by Waldorf at 1996. Warm analog sound of this synth is especially good for ambient, electro, synthwave and modern…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/boostpackproweb.jpgBoost VST Pack BassBooster VST, TapeHarmonizer VST 1.0,TapeFilter VST,Boombox VST

Boost VST Pack BassBooster VST, TapeHarmonizer VST 1.0,TapeFilter VST,Boombox VST

Softrave BOOST VST Bundle Save 50 % with this bundle purchase plugins are for PC 32bit only. You can use JBridge to use it in 64 bit DAW Get it…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Pulse-Oblozhka-Final.jpgWaldorf Pulse Fat Bass Polyphonic Kontakt Sample Library Instrument

Waldorf Pulse Fat Bass Polyphonic Kontakt Sample Library Instrument

Waldorf Pulse Fat Bass Kontakt Sample Library Instrument This library is made of sounds of legendary analog monster synthesizer made by Waldorf at 1996. It has extremely fat and gritty…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/sample-library-1-drumstep.pngDrumstep Female Vocal Sample Library Vol 1 – 175 bpm 100 phrases and licks vocal pack

Drumstep Female Vocal Sample Library Vol 1 – 175 bpm 100 phrases and licks vocal pack

Drumstep Female Vocal Sample Library Vol 1 – 175 bpm 100 phrases and licks pack This library contains collection of 100 female vocal samples in drumstep style recorded in 175…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/bacteria-a-vsti.jpgBacteria A – 32 oscillators free VSTI synth inspired by ELTA Solar synthesizer

Bacteria A – 32 oscillators free VSTI synth inspired by ELTA Solar synthesizer

Bacteria A VSTi is inspired by ELTA Solar synthesizer. It has 32 oscillators onboard that can be independently detuned to create rich sounds that are good for ambient, experimental, rave…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Puls-Arps-Oblozhka-small.gifWaldorf Pulse Analog Synth Arpeggios Sequences Sample library

Waldorf Pulse Analog Synth Arpeggios Sequences Sample library

This library consists of Arpeggios & Sequences made with Waldorf Pulse analog synthesizer. No fx were used. 1 Gb of sounds recorded at 44100 khz 24 bit. You can buy…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/kalimbavst.jpgKALIMBA 1.0 VSTI african etnic instrument plugin emulation

KALIMBA 1.0 VSTI african etnic instrument plugin emulation

KALIMBA 1.0 Kalimba VSTi is based on samples of real African percussion instrument made of steel called Kalimba).  It has 6 layers of velocity so you can feel some natural sound…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/birds-noise.jpgBirds Noise VSTi plugin

Birds Noise VSTi plugin

Birds Noise is a VST format plug-in for Windows, which adds the sound and atmosphere of alive nature to your recordings: birdsongs, bird trills, twittering, chirping etc. The purpose of…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/orchhitfree.jpgOrch Hit VSTI instrument plugin

Orch Hit VSTI instrument plugin

Softrave presents Orch Hit VSTi 1.0 This virtual instrument have 70 orch hits  sounds from various drum machines & keyboards. You can mix orch hits and stabs in proportions and…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/metallicinstpackweb.png4 Metallic percussion Pack VSTi Glockenspiel VSTi, Kalimba VSTi,Hang VSTi 2.0,Steeldrum VSTi

4 Metallic percussion Pack VSTi Glockenspiel VSTi, Kalimba VSTi,Hang VSTi 2.0,Steeldrum VSTi

Metal percussion instruments Pack You can purchase 4 metal percussion Vsti in one pack.and save 40 % Metal Percussion Instruments Pack 1.0 include   Glockenspiel VSTi Kalimba VSTi Steeldrum VSTi…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/female-vocal-dubstep-samples-vol-1-330x300.pngFEMALE VOCAL DUBSTEP LIBRARY VOL 1


Smoking hot female vocal Dubstep Library. Female vocal Dubstep Library Volume 1 is packed with over 61, high quality, 140 bpm licks, phrases, and demos. Sweet, heart stopping, and entrancing!…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mopho218.pngMopho Analog Synth Sample library

Mopho Analog Synth Sample library

Mopho vintage analog synth by Dave Smith was recorded as single notes in octave to create your own patches, also some sequences were recorded too. 48Khz, 24 bit, 2Gb, 2…

Female Vocal Sample Library – Chillout, Lounge, Downtempo vol.1

Female Vocal Sample Library – Chillout, Lounge, Downtempo vol.1

Female Vocal Sample library – Chillout, Lounge, Downtempo vol 1 by Best Samples contains collection of 400 female vocal samples in chillout, lounge and downtempo styles recorded in 70, 80,…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/tonahang-sample-library.jpgRavish Sitar Electric Guitar Solos and Chords Sample Library by Tonahang

Ravish Sitar Electric Guitar Solos and Chords Sample Library by Tonahang

Really unique sample library RAVISH SITAR EXOTIC PSYCHEDELIC INDIA GUITAR SOLOS THEMES AND CHORDS by Tonahang More than 1,5 hour of 90, 100, 110, 130,132,133 ,140,150,160,170,180 bpm 24 bit mono…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/galun-beatbox.jpgBeatbox Future Hop Idm Sample Library by Galun

Beatbox Future Hop Idm Sample Library by Galun

    Very special sample library Beatbox Future Hop Idm Sample Library by Galun Unique talent of Galun is that he is beatboxing in genres that fits experimental electronica genres…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ladyannavoice.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ladyannavoice.jpgLADY ANNA VOICE VSTI EFFECTS SAMPLE LIBRARY


LADY ANNA VOICE & EFFECTS SAMPLE LIBRARY   This VSTi is made of 512 different female vocal sounds , effects, jokes and notes, made by Anna Pons, charismatic singer of…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/harmonic-pack-web2.pngHarmonics Boost pack – BassBooster VST or GuitarBooster VST , TapeHarmonizer VST 1.0, TapeFilter VST, + Analog Techno Kick VSTi 3.0 PRO

Harmonics Boost pack – BassBooster VST or GuitarBooster VST , TapeHarmonizer VST 1.0, TapeFilter VST, + Analog Techno Kick VSTi 3.0 PRO

BassBooster VST or GuitarBooster VST (choose which one you like to be included in pack), TapeHarmonizer VST 1.0, TapeFilter VST, + Analog Techno Kick VSTi 3.0 PRO   HARMONICS PACK…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/next-level-beatsweb.jpgNext Level Beats Drum Loops library

Next Level Beats Drum Loops library

Next Level Beats library is a collection of  drumloops good for techno, electronica, dubstep and has some subtropical flavour and spicy atmosphere of Barcelona city. Those beats was created by…

Lady Anna Voice Effects And Sounds Sample Library

Lady Anna Voice Effects And Sounds Sample Library

Youtube Demo with some sounds from it here Pad sound is not so interesting but we include it for this presentation It contains 560 different female vocal sounds , effects,…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/offer-2-waldorf-Pulse-librarises-discount.jpgBuy Waldorf Pulse Leads and Chords Kontakt Sample Library and Waldorf Pulse Fat Bass Polyphonic Kontakt Sample Library Instrument together With Discount

Buy Waldorf Pulse Leads and Chords Kontakt Sample Library and Waldorf Pulse Fat Bass Polyphonic Kontakt Sample Library Instrument together With Discount

Special offer: Buy Waldorf Pulse Leads and Chords Kontakt Sample Library and Waldorf Pulse Fat Bass Polyphonic Kontakt Sample Library Instrument together for 29.99 USD Or 29.99 EU   Sound…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/guitarboostersm-1.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/guitarboostersm-1.jpgBASSBOOSTER VST 1.3 studio effect bass enchantment booster plugin

BASSBOOSTER VST 1.3 studio effect bass enchantment booster plugin

BASSBOOSTER VST 1.3   Syncersoft & Softrave presents BassBooster VST 1.3 Bass Booster is revolutionary plugin that enriches bass with creation of new harmonics using algorithm based on  unique new…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/sousaphone-1.jpgSousaphone VSTi virtual brass instrument with 4 levels of midi velocity

Sousaphone VSTi virtual brass instrument with 4 levels of midi velocity

Sousaphone VSTi is based on samples of real brass instrument made of metal called, well – Sousaphone . It has 4 layers of velocity so you can feel some natural…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/crashvsti2.pngCRASH VSTI 1.3 virtual drums instrument plugin

CRASH VSTI 1.3 virtual drums instrument plugin

Softrave presents Crash VSTi This virtual instrument have 300 crash & cymbal drum sounds from various studios. Different drums & drum boxes & effects were used to create this instrument…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hang4.gifHANG VSTI 4.0 pan art hang drum emulation plugin instrument

HANG VSTI 4.0 pan art hang drum emulation plugin instrument

HANG VSTI 4.0   The difference between Hang 2. 0 3.0 and this version is that newer version have control over analog random drift of sound that create slight deviation…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/alice2012.pnghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/alice2012.pngAlice 2012 VSTi 3.0 synth pack emulation of vintage analog soviet synthesizer Alice 1387

Alice 2012 VSTi 3.0 synth pack emulation of vintage analog soviet synthesizer Alice 1387

Alice 2012 VSTi 3.0 synth pack   Alice 2012 ver 3 is based on waveform samples from Alice 1387 vintage analog soviet synth produced in 80 `s. The idea was…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/harmoniumproweb.jpgHARMONIUM VSTI 1.0 vintage harmonium organ emulation instrument plugin

HARMONIUM VSTI 1.0 vintage harmonium organ emulation instrument plugin

HARMONIUM VSTI 1.0   Harmonium Pro VSTi is based on samples of real Harmonium Organ from 19th century recorded with different position of overtones switches. We also added Analog drift control…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/steeldrum.jpgSTEELDRUM VSTI steel drum etnic instrument plugin emulation

STEELDRUM VSTI steel drum etnic instrument plugin emulation

STEELDRUM VSTI 1.0 Steeldrum Vsti was created by Dr Tikov with samples of steel drum from Trinidad and Tobago. Original notes that were sampled are in diapason C3 F4 Lower…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/chimes-web.jpghttp://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/chimes-web.jpgChimes VSTi – sample based instrument with 8 layers of velocity

Chimes VSTi – sample based instrument with 8 layers of velocity

Chimes VSTi is based on samples of real chime instrument made of round metal bars. It has 8 layers of velocity so you can have natural sound of Chimes with…

http://tikov.com/softrave/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/tapeharmonizerweb.jpgTAPEHARMONIZER VSTI reel to reel tape emulation plugin effect

TAPEHARMONIZER VSTI reel to reel tape emulation plugin effect

TAPEHARMONIZER VSTI 1.5   Syncersoft & Softrave presents TapeHarmonizer VST 1.5 Tape Harmonizer  is revolutionary plugin that enriches sound with creation of new harmonics using unique new psychoacoustic algorithm: crossmodulation…
